The Meaning of “Midwife”

Midwife means “with woman” and “to bring something into being.” It has been my honor to witness over 300 babies born. One of the best parts is the families I worked with chose the way that was most meaningful to them to give birth. Most women will never forget how they were treated in labor and how they felt giving birth. This is a powerful opportunity in a woman’s life to rewrite her own story of what she is capable of.

The countless hours of the gentle reflection back to the birthing mama of, “Yes, that’s a lot of energy. Take a breath on that.” Sometimes in life we just need someone to hear us and see us and invite us to breathe. 

I birthed my 4 babies at home and many people asked me if I was going to midwife myself. That wasn’t my jam. I fought the pain and wished I could escape somehow. I wholeheartedly needed my sweet and grounded midwife present each birth. It was ultimately grace that brought my babies forth. Sometimes we need to do big things together and in order to surrender and then surrender a little more, I had to feel the support of my midwife and family by my side.

kind words…


“I love the lavender oil for bedtime. I sprinkle a bit on my pillows or put some behind my ears. Scott has been using them in the diffuser at night to help him wind down too!”

”Hey Christy! The oils are fab! Put some peppermint on my neck and shoulders this morning and they loosened right up!”